Believe it or not, the Instagram Business logo is a thing! Since the advent of Instagram in 2010, its growth rate has been exponential. It is an excellent platform for attracting customers through digital marketing. Today, all the major brands, no matter how old they are use Instagram as a way to get in touch with their customers and followers.
The first thing that strikes the mind when you look at an Instagram page is the logo used on the profile. Social media is a highly visual platform, if you want to sell something, you need to make it visually appealing. So without further ado, let’s get to know a little more about Instagram logos.
Points to remember while designing the logo

- It is very tiny (110 by 110 pixels)
- The logo display window is circular
- The logo should fit with your overall Instagram aesthetic
- The more simplistic, the better
- Use the right typography
Decide what kind of logo you want

Instagram has a tiny window for the display of pictures. Hence you should be clear about what you want. Most brands like Gucci, Burberry, and Valentino just have the name of their brand as the profile photo. However, what you want to have as the display picture largely depends on the kind of business. For example, for a company where the logo is more famous and catchy than the name, it is advisable to have the logo in the profile. Now, this brings us to our second concern – How to make a logo for Instagram! This problem can be addressed in the following ways
What to do if you already have a logo?

If you already have a logo for your company, then half go your job is done here. The only thing you need to do is to spot the most essential elements in your logo. Once you do this, you will get to know precisely what you want to be displayed in the profile picture. If you have a complicated and elaborate logo, then you might want to make it a little simple so that the logo in your Instagram profile doesn’t look cluttered.
As a rule of thumb, you should avoid using text in the Instagram logo unless you have a name logo because it is not readable otherwise.
How to make a logo from scratch by yourself?

1. Start by collecting inspirations

If you’re a newbie in this field, it is very important to learn by looking and observing. You can use websites like Pinterest, Behance, and Dribble to look up ideas for logo design. You can save the ones you like the best and study how the creators have used elements of the company to come up with the logo. You should also focus on the typography and colors used to bring out an idea.
2. Sketch out your ideas

Once you look at examples, try to create your logo design by sketching out whatever comes into your head. Remember that real ideas only start popping up once you’ve discarded the initial 10-15 ideas. Also, keep in mind that the plan is to keep it simple yet communicative.
3. Put in some research

Once you start putting down your ideas, you might face what is called the creator’s block. This is the point when you will be putting in research, which helps you ideate further. You should also look up what the competitors in the same industry are doing to get an idea of what’s relevant and what works in the industry. Again, try looking you how visuals affect the consumers’ psychology and understand the target audience and what they want.
4. Use digital software

At the point when you feel like your sketch is ready, you can try digitalizing it. There are multiple software like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and Affinity Designer, which can help you do this. If you don’t know how to use the software, you can always go to YouTube to look up tutorials. Here are some tutorials that might help you do the same:
5. Try it out!

After your design is ready, just save it in the correct size and try how it looks on the profile.
How to get a logo design created?

The last and most practical option for you, if you do not have a knack for designing, is to get your Instagram logo designed. This is also the easiest option so far. But again, there are two ways of doing this.
- Either you hire a graphic designer to do it for you. This can turn out to be pretty expensive and time-consuming.
- Or, you can do it online. There are multiple logos designing websites available online where you can even get it for free. To know more read How to Make a logo without getting bankrupt.
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