Logo design is not just an art; it is a science. It requires a lot more than knowledge about graphic design and visual aesthetics. A designer has to do the jobs, including that of a marketer, strategist, psychologist, salesperson, showman, and project manager. It requires extensive research and analysis to arrive at the perfect design.
But that’s not the end of it, is it? Until your client approves of the design and the deal is sealed, it is the same rat race over and over again. Remember that it is never only about a wonderful idea; it’s always about how you can make the idea sound wonderful to the people. After the designing part is over, you need to sell your approach to the client.
Although it may seem like a daunting task and one you didn’t sign up for, it is not so tricky to nail. All you need to do is follow an order, and the deal is sealed even before you know it!
Just one quick pro tip after you finish the design, and before you pitch it to your client is that always check if your design resembles any other design already available. Any idea, no matter how unique it sounds, is bound to have some kind of similarity with an existing idea.
Hence it is always better to check and recheck before pitching it to a client because they say, “prevention is better than cure”! Once you get this out of the way, just follow these seven steps to pitch a logo design.
Prepare a presentation
A presentation is a communicative tool that helps sketch a clear picture of an idea. It is also a formal and disciplined way to pitch ideas professionally. When you present your logo design to a client, make sure that you don’t make it heavy on the content. Add fun visuals to your presentation to make it appealing and exciting. According to statistics, presentations with visual aids are 43% more persuasive than the same presentations without them. So let the visuals do the talking! Click here to learn how to make a perfect presentation.
Start with the research and statistics
Research and data always help to make an assertion more credible. Hence, you should always start by stating the research that has gone into the development of your idea into the outcome. Presenting statistics is a strategy that salesmen and marketers swear by to help convince their clients. It will make your clients trust you more and understand the rationale behind the design and idea.
Explain the process
A client would appreciate a design a lot more if he knew the thought process that goes into arriving at the design. You could start with the brief that you had received at the start and then explain the elements of the logo and how it is connected to the company. Make sure you address all the queries your client had before the start of the process in the documentation. Create a narrative around the whole process and explain it like a story. It will help you add the cherry on top of your marvelous design.
The climax: Talk about the final design
When you are at this stage, make sure to cover three critical points- What does the design represent? Why is your design different? How is it better? Have a crisp answer to all the three questions. Include them with visuals in your presentation and support your claims with proper statistics. Do not forget to mention how the logo works well on digital and printed platforms, and how its shape and template are relevant to the company. Finally, give a brief explanation about how the colors chosen affect the way people perceive the company and the emotional significance of each color used.
Draw a comparison with the competitors in the sector
When you design a logo, you always look at what the competitors in the same field of business are doing. Showing the same to your clients would help them feel safer about your design approach, and hence it is an excellent point to add to your logo design pitch.
Talk about the long-term goals
In this part, include how the logo affects the performance of a company in the long term. Give examples of companies with great logo designs and how their customers feel about the logo. Compare this data to the impact that you think your logo design can have on the company.
It’s time to wrap up the presentation. Make sure you add ending notes like stating how much fun you had in the entire process. Finally, ask the client for feedback and prepare yourself for some questions they might have. Amidst all this, do not forget to smile because it is a symbol of confidence.
On that note, good luck to you!
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